I've come across this webpage
a couple of times throughout the years.
But I thought it'd be nice to share it with others who haven't been fortunate enough to stumble upon it yet. It's a great way to print out FREE coloring pages for kids, and your choices are practically unlimited!
I went shopping recently for my niece and
I was surprised to see how expensive coloring books can be!
Most of them are almost $5, and to me,
that's a lot of money to spend on a book with
maybe 40-50 pages printed off in black & white ink.
And this isn't just about money, you can turn this into a fun little project to make your kids a personalized coloring book! Right now, when I make one for my niece for Christmas, it'll have a lot of Elmo, Owls, and Puppies (and possibly a Numbers page). But next year, I can make her one that will probably feature totally different characters. It'll be fun to see how much her tastes will change from year to year.